Adolescent Substance Use and Addiction Program
In the late 1990s, there were few places young people and their families in Greater Boston could go for counseling and support in dealing with substance use.
We envision a more equitable and sustainable world in which all children and families are able to thrive and pursue meaningful, productive lives.
Our work is deeply informed by the Jewish values of loving one’s neighbors as oneself, engaging in acts of compassion, justice and righteousness, and commitment to repair of the world around us.
Kindness, Compassion, Community, Responsibility, Inclusivity
We support the growth and
vitality of our community.
At the heart of our grantmaking is a deep concern for issues of equity and expanding opportunities for all individuals, particularly young people, to realize their full potential.
We partner with high-impact social sector organizations to nurture talent, protect the environment, and address equitable access to housing, nutrition, health care, and other support services. The leadership and staff of these nonprofits are incredibly dedicated and talented. We are honored to have the opportunity to work with them and support the essential work they do.
The stories herein highlight the work of several of these essential organizations.